Monday, July 26, 2010

monday july 26

it's still me -- Colin is doing something with a field guide and a notebook. Today was laundry, shopping, etc. day, plus back to kirstenbosch for some sampling of specimens there, which I did not witness, because I went and had tea in the tea shop, then read my nook.

tomorrow early a.m. we are heading to the hills, literally. I am not looking forward to this. Although it has been cold here, we've had electricity, light, good plumbing and a kitchen (and an electric tea pot to heat up the water for the hot water bottles each night), none of which we will have in Anysberg. Plus I suspect that it is going to be really REALLY cold up in the mts. Plus once the ipod and nook run down, I may not be able to solarcharge them to use them - plus we think it is going to be pretty wet, and I'm not likely to be using them in the pouring rain (while I stand and do nothing) anyway. I hope that Colin appreciates this.... (Plus, there are leopards, which I hope will keep their distance more than the baboons have.) Anyway, we will be back in Capetown on Aug. 1, and will try to check in then before we leave for AZ on Aug. 2. Think good thoughts towards us!


p.s. Colin says he would like it known that the hyrax yesterday charged him, but it really didn't charge so much as decide suddenly that it wanted to be standing where Colin was, which caused it to move rapidly in that direction. Easily sidestepped, in any case. Very cute, even with its fairly ratty (buggy) fur.

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